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Fly tipping and syringes/possible drug use area

Reported via desktop anonymously at 10:41, Wed 4 September 2024

Sent to Immediate Justice Team 3 minutes later

Bags of rubbish have been dumped in the left corner of the fenced green area opposite lampost 69L94. One of the bags (the Tesco bag) was left by someone who said they had found and cleaned up syringes from under the very tall Holly trees in the corner of that fenced green area where the hill slopes up, next to the fence of 7 Abbey Road. It would be very useful to prune back the lower branches of those tall trees and clean the lower area so it is open and would deter drug usage in that area.

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  • Thank you for making this report. We have assessed your referral and are unable to address this report. However, we have passed this on to the local authority to review.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Immediate Justice Team at 14:50, Thu 5 September 2024

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